Dear Friends in the Cannabis Community,
With the hope that it will help some people, I have decided to publicaly disclose my personal COVID-19 religious vaccine exemption statement, which is currently being reviewed by the University of New Mexico (UNM). The official UNM email communication system (Microsoft Outlook) will NOT enable this statement to be sent or received; therefore, I suspect other public academic institutions and organizations may be censoring this potentially life-saving information.
God Bless you all and God Bless America!
“To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Jacob Miguel Vigil. I am a biomedical scientist and tenured Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico (UNM). I have over 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications on the evolving and contemporary health of human beings. This is my personal religious exemption “request” statement that I am forced to write for UNM in order to protect my mind, body and soul from what I whole-heartedly believe is a dangerous and unnecessary “COVID-19” vaccine mandate. Furthermore, the University and its affiliates should have absolutely no right to force any students or employees to disclose their religious beliefs or any personal health characteristics, as this information is not pertinent to most areas of academia. I am doing so only because I was threatened with disciplinary actions and potential termination of my job for choosing not to subject myself to the tremendous spiritual damage and physical health risks posed to my personhood by said institutional mandate.
My personal religious faith is based on the beliefs that eternal satanic forces have always, and will continue to always infiltrate the world, and God wants me to adhere to five basic tenants or vows in order to protect myself and other people from such forces:
1.) Understand the True Essence of Being a Human
2.) Protect and Potentiate God’s Gift of Life
3.) Use God’s Gift of Common Sense to Discern Truth
4.) Rely on God’s Natural Gifts to Protect the Mind, Body, and Soul
5.) Promote God’s Truths
Understand the True Essence of Being a Human
Hu-mans are remarkable creatures, comprised of both spiritual (hue/light) and animal (man) components, and possessing the rare natural ability to create. Good people create the means for improving the happiness and well-being of others, and evil people create lies designed to destroy the happiness and well-being of others.
I have lived my entire adult life with the sincerely held religious belief that God created my mind and my body, and I thank God all day, every day, for these basic facts. I also thank God constantly for continuing to protect my family and fellow community members. I do not understand why God has blessed me so much in my life, but he has, and despite my sins, I know God loves me. (I often tell people that I am the luckiest person I have ever known throughout my entire life, and I mean it.) My sincerely held religious belief is that God created each of us to be unique sovereign beings with destinies that, while often overlapping, are personalized reflections of our individual relationships with him. I have chosen to devote my sovereignty to promoting God’s omnipresent love, support, and guidance for each of us, and to contributing to the overall beneficence of mankind. In return for this devotion, I have complete faith that God will protect me from all man-made and natural harms, threats, dangers, and risks to my life, health, and socio-political well-being.
In line with my Native American ancestral heritage (Jicarilla Apache), and being a proud, open member of the Church of the Spiritual Path (Patricio Dominguez, Founder,, I also adhere to our religious practices of promoting spiritual Unity with the Creator and all living things on our Mother Earth. Within this purpose the Church’s objectives are to: protect, conserve, support, educate, and promote Indigenous cultural, social, medicinal and spiritual values. It is my sincerely held religious belief that God desires for none of us to be enslaved in spirit or material form by other humans, e.g., through forced medical operations that violate the sanctity and potentiation of God’s human creations.
Nice, here it is for posterity:
University Of New Mexico By Kurple Magazine
Dear Friends in the Cannabis Community, With the hope that it will help some people, I have decided to publicaly disclose my personal COVID-19 religious vaccine exemption statement, which is currently being reviewed by the University of New Mexico (UNM). The official UNM email communication system (Microsoft Outlook) will NOT enable this statement to be sent or received; therefore, I suspect other public academic institutions and organizations may be censoring this potentially life-saving information. God Bless you all and God Bless America! “To Whom It May Concern, My name is Jacob Miguel Vigil. I am a biomedical scientist and tenured Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico (UNM). I have over 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications on the evolving and contemporary health of human beings. This is my personal religious exemption “request” statement that I am forced to write for UNM in order to protect my mind, body and soul from what I whole-heartedly believe is a dangerous and unnecessary “COVID-19” vaccine mandate. Furthermore, the University and its affiliates should have absolutely no right to force any students or employees to disclose their religious beliefs or any personal health characteristics, as this information is not pertinent to most areas of academia. I am doing so only because I was threatened with disciplinary actions and potential termination of my job for choosing not to subject myself to the tremendous spiritual damage and physical health risks posed to my personhood by said institutional mandate. My personal religious faith is based on the beliefs that eternal satanic forces have always, and will continue to always infiltrate the world, and God wants me to adhere to five basic tenants or vows in order to protect myself and other people from such forces: 1.) Understand the True Essence of Being a Human 2.) Protect and Potentiate God’s Gift of Life 3.) Use God’s Gift of Common Sense to Discern Truth 4.) Rely on God’s Natural Gifts to Protect the Mind, Body, and Soul 5.) Promote God’s Truths
Understand the True Essence of Being a Human Hu-mans are remarkable creatures, comprised of both spiritual (hue/light) and animal (man) components, and possessing the rare natural ability to create. Good people create the means for improving the happiness and well-being of others, and evil people create lies designed to destroy the happiness and well-being of others. I have lived my entire adult life with the sincerely held religious belief that God created my mind and my body, and I thank God all day, every day, for these basic facts. I also thank God constantly for continuing to protect my family and fellow community members. I do not understand why God has blessed me so much in my life, but he has, and despite my sins, I know God loves me. (I often tell people that I am the luckiest person I have ever known throughout my entire life, and I mean it.) My sincerely held religious belief is that God created each of us to be unique sovereign beings with destinies that, while often overlapping, are personalized reflections of our individual relationships with him. I have chosen to devote my sovereignty to promoting God’s omnipresent love, support, and guidance for each of us, and to contributing to the overall beneficence of mankind. In return for this devotion, I have complete faith that God will protect me from all man-made and natural harms, threats, dangers, and risks to my life, health, and socio-political well-being. In line with my Native American ancestral heritage (Jicarilla Apache), and being a proud, open member of the Church of the Spiritual Path (Patricio Dominguez, Founder,, I also adhere to our religious practices of promoting spiritual Unity with the Creator and all living things on our Mother Earth. Within this purpose the Church’s objectives are to: protect, conserve, support, educate, and promote Indigenous cultural, social, medicinal and spiritual values. It is my sincerely held religious belief that God desires for none of us to be enslaved in spirit or material form by other humans, e.g., through forced medical operations that violate the sanctity and potentiation of God’s human creations.
Protect and Potentiate God’s Gift of Life. God’s gift of life and his love for me compel me to do everything I can to protect my mental, physical, and spiritual health at all costs. My sincerely held religious belief is that God wants each of us to be fully educated on the true factors that affect human health so that we can optimize our overall human experience and, in my case, maximize the potential to serve my fellow man. My personal decision to not allow my body to be injected with a “COVID-19 vaccine” is based on my individual costs-to-benefits health assessment that weighs the absolutely low risk of experiencing a major health complication from any present strain of the coronavirus against the moderate to relatively high risks of experiencing any number of serious medical complications from the “vaccines” in and of themselves. These concoctions are now scientifically documented to cause numerous acute and long-term adverse health consequences and death for a high number of recipients. Among these consequences is the formation of a primary disease-causing mechanism, commonly referred to as “spike proteins.” These cardiovascular perturbations cause micro blood clots in the majority of (mRNA-based) vaccine recipients that are undetectable with conventional cardiovascular scanning equipment (and hence under-reported), never fully heal, and if left unattended, significantly increase the eventual risk of developing severe impairments to cardiovascular functioning (,,, Additionally, the general public now has emerging evidence that the mandated vaccines present acute and long-terms risks in some people for expressing (lifelong) symptoms of neurological, degenerative and autoimmune diseases (e.g.,,,, The FDA’s own internal communications leaked to the public shows the long list of known severe side-effects of the shots, including “deaths” ( I also have direct empirical (unpublished) evidence that “vaccinated” people are likely to experience objective changes in electromagnetic frequency activity associated with heightened basal levels of heavy metal accumulations in the body and with reduced energy, which I believe are associated with a reduction in an individual’s sense of spirituality or “light.” Thus, for most people, the vaccines pose a much greater risk than typically portrayed in the media. Given my “lower than average” estimated COVID-19 mortality risk (>99.5% survival;, I am sure God desires me to rely on his protection rather than expose myself to high-risk substances demanded by my employer. Moreover, just within the last month, the private corporation ( that named itself the Center for Disease Control (Foundation) publicly acknowledged that: a) The PCR assay used to identify the “COVID-19 virus” is not valid, cannot differentiate the COVID-19 virus from the common influenza virus, and cannot distinguish any COVID-19 “variants.” (,,,,,, Coincidently, the CDC also admitted they stopped reporting influenza infections in early 2020, the same point in time when the ‘pandemic’ was being pushed hard onto the general public (,,,, In other words, there is no evidentiary proof that any of the publically displayed infection rates are valid; hence, COVID-19 appears to exist primarily in name and psychological conditioning. (Some national governments have been challenged with the task of empirically proving the very existence of the COVID-19 virus, or “it”, to which the governments have had to admit that they could not provide such evidence [- 4:00,]). b) The “vaccines” do not prevent recipients from being infected by “it,” or transmitting “it” to others (,, or succumbing to death from “it” ( c) Moreover, emerging evidence now shows that ‘vaccinated’ people are just as, or MORE likely to spread “it” than are people who refused the poisons (,,,,
Clearly, for some people (thus potentially for me), the mandated vaccines carry with them a significantly increased risk of dying or other negative side effects. (e.g., This is the most obvious reason why the Congress, the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, and many of the vaccine-manufacturers themselves (e.g., Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson) do NOT mandate their high number of “vaccine hesitant” employees (or non-vaccinated CEOs) take the vaccines (,, (continued)
TY ...but this is just the first part