posted ago by CrazyMountain ago by CrazyMountain +30 / -0

I've was reading articles about the vaccine increasing viral load but reducing symptoms, possibly creating a super spreader and now believe I know why.

The cabal isn't planning to kill their brainwashed sheep with the vaccine. They plan to kill us, the ones who don't follow them.

How? I'm sure you read the Rockefeller lockstep program. http://themillenniumreport.com/2020/07/rockefeller-lockstep-2010-was-blueprint-for-2020-covid-19-pandemic/

One of the steps is to release a virus with a higher mortality rate as a backup plan. How does a virus with higher mortality spread? Through people who are super spreaders and have less severe symptoms. Who will this affect most, likely the unvaccinated.

I'm not recommending the vaccine, and this is only a guess based off; the cabal not wanting to kill their sheep (but they probably don't care), prophet John Paul Jackson said years ago "the first pandemic coming would be little but fear but the second one was serious", and the lockstep program.


I could be wrong but I might not be. Just my warning in case it happens people are aware.

Also, I remember another prophet who said the deadly pandemic doesn't come until we have a cure, so the vaccine isn't the cure.

Again theory, could be wrong.