as a fellow millenial, I feel like none of my friends are vigilantly searching for truth. They DON'T sit down and ask themselves if this is normal. they dont ask themselves if this is okay. They don't ask themselves if everything they've been told is the truth. You know what the fuck they're concerned with? Drinking, partying, Instagram selfies, and it's just "Play, play play." It's a disgrace. Even some of them who do know some truth, they don't even do shit about it. You know why I'm disappointed? Because you'd be amazed how much difference just ONE person could make a difference if they serve or contribute to society, even if it's part time, it makes a big difference, one person at a time. Instead, almost everyone I know who's 21-29 years old are a bunch of self absorbed overgrown 18 year olds still fucking concerned about stupid little kid shit that they cant grow out of in these times. Dude, we're in asymmetrical warfare, psychological warfare, biological warfare, and unconventional warfare. HOW DO YOU JUST SIT THERE AND ACT LIKE THIS IS OKAY AND NORMAL TO TOLERATE? Y'ALL MY AGE AND UNDER WATCH TV SHOWS, GAME OF THRONES,VIDEO GAMES AND ANIME ABOUT HEROES SAVING THE WORLD, YET HERE YOU ARE DOING NOTHING.... YOU FUCKING WASTE!!! GO OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING...
Anyone here age 32 and under? Talking about millenial and Gen Z. Let us "kids" talk for a moment....
29 year old female here. Most of what you said is true, people in our age category for the most part don’t care. They’ve been told most of their life that the ONLY things that matter are their desires and feelings. If those things aren’t sated, there’s hell to pay. Too many of our “peers” weren’t disciplined or given the consequences for their actions. Mommy and daddy wanted to “protect” them. But by doing so they created “adults” that can’t use basic logic because they were never given a chance. I’m hoping that when SHTF many of these people are slapped awake.
not that im trying to hit on you or anything but its getting really frustrating that i cant find a women who is awake at my age in my late 20s. the most ive seen so far is women who just know whats going on but they dont fight back.
I was taught from childhood to have discernment and to question everything. My five siblings and I were all homeschooled K-12, my mom has been “anti-vax” (let’s call it was is it, she educated herself and made the choice to reject them) since the early 90s and that has passed on to all of us kids. We’re a rare breed lol :P
we're in the same age group here. millenials are getting old. I've noticed too, that most my friends my age are depressed about life, but they dont know what they're depressed about. whereas at least people like us, we KNOW thy enemy our type of anxiety and stress is different