as a fellow millenial, I feel like none of my friends are vigilantly searching for truth. They DON'T sit down and ask themselves if this is normal. they dont ask themselves if this is okay. They don't ask themselves if everything they've been told is the truth. You know what the fuck they're concerned with? Drinking, partying, Instagram selfies, and it's just "Play, play play." It's a disgrace. Even some of them who do know some truth, they don't even do shit about it. You know why I'm disappointed? Because you'd be amazed how much difference just ONE person could make a difference if they serve or contribute to society, even if it's part time, it makes a big difference, one person at a time. Instead, almost everyone I know who's 21-29 years old are a bunch of self absorbed overgrown 18 year olds still fucking concerned about stupid little kid shit that they cant grow out of in these times. Dude, we're in asymmetrical warfare, psychological warfare, biological warfare, and unconventional warfare. HOW DO YOU JUST SIT THERE AND ACT LIKE THIS IS OKAY AND NORMAL TO TOLERATE? Y'ALL MY AGE AND UNDER WATCH TV SHOWS, GAME OF THRONES,VIDEO GAMES AND ANIME ABOUT HEROES SAVING THE WORLD, YET HERE YOU ARE DOING NOTHING.... YOU FUCKING WASTE!!! GO OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING...
Anyone here age 32 and under? Talking about millenial and Gen Z. Let us "kids" talk for a moment....
welcome to my world, im in my late 20s and im experiencing the same thing. however i bmx and im around the action sports crowd. skaters. bikers. dirt bike riders. anyone whos out and about doing something physical are actually awake. they know whats going on. the difference between me and them tho is that i take my time to research and collect data and numbers. i will say that yes a lot of young people especially early 20s are just worried about having fun but honestly i don't blame them. they deserve to live out their youth the way they want but at the same time we are not in normal times and i do expect everyone to fight back. tbh i even get mad at some people who preach god but still wear a mask or take the vax. im honestly getting tired of seeing all these "Jesus got you. hes here for you" type stuff. im like yeah that great and all but wheres the data? that's the only thing that wakes people up right now is hard data. ive gotten through many people so far because of data and i think people of god outside of politics need to jump on this because we need everyone in this fight
Jesus loves us but Jesus doesnt want us to sit around and do nothing. The whole thing about being "vigilant" is to take Jesus' love and faith, and go out there and carry out His will. God gives us courage to fight satan's minions, but God isn't gonna let us sit there and do nothing. Your gun won't shoot for you, you must shoot it to protect yourself. Anyways, fake Christians are weak and sit around and pray all day doing nothing.