So I started teaching high school this year after 15 years in healthcare, and these poor kids are DUMB! They dont know anything! They have very poor critical thinking skills, they have poor problem solving skills, they have no knowledge of current events of history unless it was packaged and delivered to them through social media. They didnt even know who Bruce Willis was FFS! Unlike the liberal dipshit teachers who rant and try to brainwash, i challenge the rote programmed ideas they have, to make them think. I dont give my opinion, I dont say they are "wrong" I ask them why they think that they are right. To me thats what they need, encouragement to not just repeat but to question and challenge the ideas programmed into their minds by twitter, tic-toc, and snap chat. One thing that must come of all of this awakening is these kids need to be woken up or we are ALL screwed, because the cabal attack on our youth is working and we have a generation of easily influenced, america hating, droids.
So I started teaching high school this year after 15 years in healthcare, and these poor kids are DUMB! They dont know anything! They have very poor critical thinking skills, they have poor problem solving skills, they have no knowledge of current events of history unless it was packaged and delivered to them through social media. They didnt even know who Bruce Willis was FFS! Unlike the liberal dipshit teachers who rant and try to brainwash, i challenge the rote programmed ideas they have, to make them think. I dont give my opinion, I dont say they are "wrong" I ask them why they think that they are right. To me thats what they need, encouragement to not just repeat but to question and challenge the ideas programmed into their minds by twitter, tic-toc, and snap chat. One thing that must come of all of this awakening is these kids need to be woken up or we are ALL screwed, because the cabal attack on our youth is working and we have a generation of easily influenced, america hating, droids.
I wonder how many IQ points they lost from wearing a mask an entire year.
Not sure it's that big a deal for High School kids to not know who Bruce Willis is though, the guy's 66, he stopped being relevant years ago.