posted ago by Czech ago by Czech +5 / -0

Some highlights , there`s bunch of disclaimer bullshit on top of the article now , no doubt edited in after the latest horse paste hysteria:

  • A Monash University-led study has shown that an anti-parasitic drug already available around the world can kill the virus within 48 hours in cell culture.

  • Scientists showed that a single dose of the drug, Ivermectin, could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus growing in cell culture.

  • The next steps are to determine the correct human dosage – ensuring the doses shown to effectively treat the virus in vitro are safe for humans.

  • The use of Ivermectin to combat COVID-19 depends on pre-clinical testing and clinical trials, with funding urgently required to progress the work.

  • Ivermectin is an FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug that has also been shown to be effective in vitro against a broad range of viruses including HIV, Dengue, Influenza and Zika virus.

  • This Monash University-led collaborative study was published in Antiviral Research, a peer-reviewed medical journal published by Elsevier. Please see the study DOI here:


Dont know if this has been posted before but I thought it was important to bring this up again considering whats happening down here in Victoria AUS. They had a early lead on cure for covid and it was completely ignored by AUS authorities.

My home country a former soviet block eastern Europe state is ironically less corrupt than Australia and after approving Ivermectin for emergency use (Humovec) it basically eradicated the virus as a pointed out in my post here :