Things like this is why I have trouble finding forgiveness for the sheep.
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And the doctors are pushing REALLY hard for us to take the shot anyway. I got “the talk” at my last appointment. Was quite literally told that “there are no increased risks” for those of us pregnant or breastfeeding “it doesn’t cause infertility, or miscarriage, or any of the other problems people worry about” and that I’m “at an increased risk of dying of COVID-19” if I don’t get it.
I don't get why people think that.
Its 9/7.
For studies,that means that we don't have enough data yet.
For autism, ADHD, and other developmental disorders, we can't start diagnosing those rates for years. For physical disabilities, I'm glad the data is showint no correlation,but it's also barely been 9 months, and women planning to become pregnant were waiting on the vaccine front.
For SIDS, heart defects, etc- that will also take years to uncover.
. . I feel so angry at how doctors go with the popular narrative.