"Just arrest the guy, have a trial and enforce the outcome" Exactly what I was thinking. We already have evidence he lied to Congress-the rest of us would have been in jail ages ago. Cotton is turning into a Lindsey Graham-all talk no action.
I hope they all lose their jobs we need a clean slate!
Oh stop with the investigations already. They go on for years, turns into nothing and by that time more/other serious issues came up.
Mueller's was a fake. He didnt even know what Fusion GPS was. Durham I doubt he even exists.
Just arrest the guy, have a trial, and enforce the outcome.
"Just arrest the guy, have a trial and enforce the outcome" Exactly what I was thinking. We already have evidence he lied to Congress-the rest of us would have been in jail ages ago. Cotton is turning into a Lindsey Graham-all talk no action. I hope they all lose their jobs we need a clean slate!