You just feel it in the air, trust me I've been dooming my ass off but there's no way in hell this is going to just fly, doesn't he have like a 30 something percent approval rating thanks to Afghanistan? And now this? They're trying to demoralize us by making us think we're not the majority. They legit want us to believe 70% of Americans are vaccinated.
Our governors and state reps better do their jobs because OUR patience is wearing thin.
I just hope people and everyone here PLEASE don't give in and take the jab because of some punk ass job and fuck a weekly test as well, PLEASE!!!
We're almost there, I feel it, this is a certified doomer telling yall this. How stupid are these people? To have Biden on national television sounding like a dictator, yall think this shit is going to fly? I don't, maybe it's just me getting a jolt of hopium for nothing but I don't see how the average american is ok with this.
When I say the average american I mean your average everyday out and about american, not the clowns you see on TV and social media, that's the matrix the deep state built but it's almost close to crashing down.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm buckling the fuck up.
You just feel it in the air, trust me I've been dooming my ass off but there's no way in hell this is going to just fly, doesn't he have like a 30 something percent approval rating thanks to Afghanistan? And now this? They're trying to demoralize us by making us think we're not the majority. They legit want us to believe 70% of Americans are vaccinated.
Our governors and state reps better do their jobs because OUR patience is wearing thin.
I just hope people and everyone here PLEASE don't give in and take the jab because of some punk ass job and fuck a weekly test as well, PLEASE!!!
We're almost there, I feel it, this is a certified doomer telling yall this. How stupid are these people? To have Biden on national television sounding like a dictator, yall think this shit is going to fly? I don't, maybe it's just me getting a jolt of hopium for nothing but I don't see how the average american is ok with this.
When I say the average american I mean your average everyday out and about american, not the clowns you see on TV and social media, that's the matrix the deep state built but it's almost close to crashing down.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm buckling the fuck up.
Buckled in here. Ready to lose it all if necessary, there are millions of us.
As hard as passing a camel thru the eye of a needle when you are overly attached to "carnal" riches.
GTG here :O