My theory is the masks are responsible for much of the spread and spikes of COVID and the variants.
Their claim is that masks stop some of the virus from getting through, so it is wise to use them, since it will assist in limiting the impact of COVID. But if we grant them that truth, then we have to assume the virus is being trapped on the cloth masks, when people are breathing in while encountering a person who is infected.
So wouldn't it stand to reason that when a person with this layer of viral contamination (on the outside of the mask) talks to another person and breathes around them, that it would cause them to reintroduce the virus to that person, and infect them?
For instance, Jane talks to Bob (who is infected) and her mask traps some of the virus from being breathed in. She then talks to Sue (and breathes around her), which sends a portion of the virus on the mask airborne again, and Sue becomes exposed.
Instead of the virus being expelled in the few breathes on the walk from Bob to Sue, it stayed on the surface of Janes mask and spread around in the moist breathes she breathed, as she walked around.
First of all, I think we would all appreciate it if you would represent more diversity in your example. Plus, Jane, Bob and Sue are totally offended because they aren’t stupid enough to wear masks. All kidding aside, what REALLY irritates me about people who wear masks, especially food servers in restaurants is they constantly readjust their masks with their hand right on the nose and mouth area which is covered by the mask. THEN they continue by touching everything from customer water glasses to door handles, spreading who knows what with their grimy paws. Anyway, I’m just really hyper-sensitive to that because it’s stupid and highly counter-effective and really grosses me out.