OOOOOHHH YEYEEEAAAHHHHH my favorite TV politician is asking all the TOUUUGH QUESTIONS!!!!!!, that'll teach em! This is all a circus, nothing will come of this shit. This is all a show and "hope" that our government is actually still in check. This shit is all a scam.
OOOOOHHH YEYEEEAAAHHHHH my favorite TV politician is asking all the TOUUUGH QUESTIONS!!!!!!, that'll teach em! This is all a circus, nothing will come of this shit. This is all a show and "hope" that our government is actually still in check. This shit is all a scam.
Thats what I get from this.
The only one who asks decent questions is not really aligned with republicans or democrats.
Why are the Republicans not asking these questions ?
Why are the Democrats not asking these questions?
America is decaying quickly.