Hey everyone,
Here is the article: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas-economy-suddenly-disintegrates-land-sales-crater-90
He summed things up nicely at the end: "Bottom line: Beijing is facing an economy whose wheels have suddenly come off, and unless China's political elite is willing to unleash another massive monetary and fiscal tsunami and bail out the economy all over again - something Beijing has repeatedly vowed it won't do this time - a hard landing, whether or not accompanied by a Volcker Moment, is virtually guaranteed."
I'm sure all the pedes here will have much to discuss about this.
They can only go so far with stolen technology. At some point, if you wish to obtain global economic domincance or at least prominence, you'll have to start developing your own tech, and homegrow your own business masterminds, letting their creativity and cunning build into the infrastructure estabilished by the state or by previous businesses.
China didn't do that. They are an economic parasite who relies solely on their cooked up books and slave labour to attract foreign capital. Their researchers are all controlled and all their businessmen are held on a tight leash, from the "owner" of a noodles cart to Jack Ma (Bezos-level billionaire).
Here's their major risk, and what makes communist states fail. Doesn't matter how it starts, they always end up with a bureaucratic elite who has full control of the economy, but doesn't know squat about what the people want or need at a given moment, or about running any successful business.
I hope they crash and burn. And may this rotten world order burn with them aswell.
Also fostering a culture of lying, cheating, and fraud yields... you guessed it, all of that! You might have intended it to be aimed at your opponents, but inevitably you'll have it amongst your own ranks, and that will ruin your ability to properly plan or grow because you'll never know what numbers are accurate; you'll not know if that giant three gorges dam was built to proper specification or if it will just rupture, you'll never know if the jet fighters you are developing will actually be able to be undetected by enemy radar, you'll never know if you're going to have a food shortage, and so on.
And that's just the start.