We've already been told. ** Get involved in your local government. **. Help repair our culture with trickle up elections. We need to pack our school boards, county boards, city council, and state delegates with true conservatives.
I can see now how much power a state delegate has and have researched a bit to see it isn't hard to be a delegate. As a delegate, you’ll help draft the party platform, including making public education a central issue in the upcoming election.
Sharing our ideas within our communities without aggression and without violence is how we spread conservatism. Conservatives need to be organized and fight for every local seat or we will cede the country state by state.
Liberals have two main outlets for their propaganda — schools and the media. That is why they will fight to keep education as government-run and fight school choice.
They are molding the political, moral, and religious opinions of children -- starting in kindergarten. The question is what are we going to do about it??
I hear ya. Open conflict is absolutely a last resort. I’m looking to get involved locally, but we gotta realize that it might take more than that because they have a Vice grip on every facet of power and information and that’s took decades.
We've already been told. ** Get involved in your local government. **. Help repair our culture with trickle up elections. We need to pack our school boards, county boards, city council, and state delegates with true conservatives.
I can see now how much power a state delegate has and have researched a bit to see it isn't hard to be a delegate. As a delegate, you’ll help draft the party platform, including making public education a central issue in the upcoming election.
Sharing our ideas within our communities without aggression and without violence is how we spread conservatism. Conservatives need to be organized and fight for every local seat or we will cede the country state by state.
Liberals have two main outlets for their propaganda — schools and the media. That is why they will fight to keep education as government-run and fight school choice.
They are molding the political, moral, and religious opinions of children -- starting in kindergarten. The question is what are we going to do about it??
I hear ya. Open conflict is absolutely a last resort. I’m looking to get involved locally, but we gotta realize that it might take more than that because they have a Vice grip on every facet of power and information and that’s took decades.