**Simply Ignore The Mandates And Carry On With Life As Normal
The Indirect Method Works Both Ways
Confiscate Federal Lands And Resources
Offer Businesses Federal Tax Exemptions If They Relocate
Boot Federal Agencies Out Of The State Or County
Offer Safe Havens For Military Personnel That Go AWOL To Avoid Forced Vaccination
Reduce Restrictions On Medical Treatment Facilities – Start Vax Free Clinics
Form Trade Relationships With Other Free States
Unify For Defense
Finally, I would like to speak to Joe Biden directly, since Joe was so keen on personally addressing us: ** more: https://alt-market.us/how-states-and-communities-can-fight-back-against-bidens-covid-tyranny/
How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide
Fri Sep 10, 2021 - 4:52 pm EDT (LifeSiteNews) – Americans in many different fields of work are suddenly having to choose between taking an abortion-tainted, poorly tested, and dangerous coronavirus injection or being fired from their jobs. Students are also having their educational opportunities denied without proof of COVID-19 vaccination. As many conservative commentators on Twitter are pointing out, over the course of 18 months, “15 days to slow the spread” turned into “two shots to feed your family.”
President Joe Biden’s September 9 announcement, that all employers with over 100 employees will soon be required to force those employees to receive coronavirus injections or submit to weekly testing, will impact an estimated 80 million Americans. The edict is stricter for federal employees and contractors, and healthcare workers at facilities that receive Medicaid or Medicare: they must submit to the vaccine and there is no testing opt-out option. It does appear that religious and medical exemptions will be accepted by the government.
Most of the below exemption resources can be used by physicians, nurses, students, or employees of any company. Most are not specific to any field. Read this resource carefully and fully to determine the best letter for your situation. Obtaining an exemption is not overly complicated.