Did the regulators at the FDA know that all previous coronavirus vaccines had failed in animal trials and that the vaccinated animals became either severely ill or died?
Yes, they did.
Did they know that previous coronavirus vaccines had a tendency to “enhance the infection” and “make the disease worse”?
Did Dr Anthony Fauci know that coronavirus vaccines had repeatedly failed and increased the severity of the infection?
Yes, he did. (See here: Fauci on ADE)
Did the drug companies conduct any animal trials prior to the FDA’s approval that would have convinced a reasonable person that the vaccines were safe to use on humans?
No, they didn’t.
Did they complete long-term clinical trials to establish whether the vaccines were safe?
No, there were no long-term clinical trials.
Did they conduct any biodistribution studies that showed where the substance in the injection goes in the body?
They did, but the data was not made available to the public.
Do the contents of the vaccine largely collect in various organs and in the lining of the vascular system?
Yes, they do.
Do large amounts of the substance accumulate in the ovaries?
Will this effect female fertility and a woman’s ability to safely bring a baby to term?
More: https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/the-conspiracy-theorists-were-right-it-is-a-poison-death-shot/
The vaccines are a miracle made possible by President Trump and his commitment to ending the pandemic. So sad it’s been politicized so heavily that people actually think
All it takes is some research kiddo. I know most people on this site believe the false theory that the vaccine kills but you are still capable of thinking and seeing for yourself. Good luck. Start with President Trump maybe, he is an advocate of the vaccine and, as stated earlier, is the reason the miracle vaccine exists today.
Ask a coroner and they will tell you different, its the vaxed that are dying at an alarming rate. After 14 days you are not considered vaxed anymore so if you die its counted as nonvax. Trump must act as if he does NOT have inside info on the dangers.
Facts are not on your side here. I’ve asked 69 coroners who denied your claim.