Sweden is a joke.
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A shame, of course Sweden is where they they didn't bow down to the scamdemic. But I guess one good take doesn't make for a good place to live.
Depends where you live tho, the country is about the size of Texas, and this robbery/rape happened in a bad neighborhood of Malmö during night. Every major city has their bad neighborhoods and only an idiot would live there voluntarily.
Most people that live in bad neighborhood don't live there voluntarily tho? The issue isn't the attacks on him, like you said bad places have bad people that do bad things. The issue is that shitty justice system they apparently have.
Shitty laws and no punishments. The court system itself is more of a symptom to the problem than the root cause.
They have a spree killer (killed seven random people) walking around free after serving 20 years. https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/5886157