We are losing because we have a flawed and wrong understanding of humanity; most of it isn't human. Goyim. Herd animals. Sheeple, whatever; 7 of 10 homo sapiens don't even possess in their neural hardware the means of making independent moral judgments. They are hardwired to follow the leader, that IS right and wrong to them. Only the illuminati are grasping that.
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Very interesting. I suppose since I am able to independently evaluate moral situations I never really thought about how many others couldn't. Before all this happened I think I pegged sheeple at about 20 - 30% of the pop. but now I think I have to agree it is at least 50-60%.
The theory of mind is still just a theory.
It seems to me like I have one, therefor as far as I can tell I have one. Good enough for me. I'm a bit if a pragmatist.
Cogito, ergo sum.