posted ago by Boobzrule ago by Boobzrule +29 / -0

Just posted this on patriots.win but wanted this forms input too. I’m a healthcare worker in NY who’s the process of moving to MT due to the unconstitutional vax mandates. I thought I’d be safe out in MT due to the law banning discriminatory vax mandates. But a prospective employer just emailed me asking if I was planning to relocate due to vax mandate as she believes that hospitals will soon receive the same mandate as nursing homes. I googled more info regarding what she was talking about and apparently the fed govt. mandated nursing home employees to get the jab in MT. I know a fed mandate does not supersede state law but I don’t know enough about the political landscape in MT to make an informed decision regarding relocation. Nor can I rely on Google searches for accurate info. So, MT Pedes what are your honest thoughts? Are your politicians based? Will this drastic move made to preserve my rights be in vein? At least, I’m sure MT offers religious exemptions (NY does not), is that correct? Thanks in advanced! Also, here’s a link w some info regarding the nursing home mandate https://www.kulr8.com/news/president-biden-requires-covid-vaccines-for-nursing-home-staff/article_1755f290-0086-11ec-a5ac-97599e5aaf24.html