posted ago by nolasquid33 ago by nolasquid33 +23 / -0

Will MAGA become the "new cool" ? With more and more info, celebrities, politicians coming out of the dark to support Patriots and MAGA, I can feel a momentum change coming in the near future. All you have to do is turn off MSM and look around and the anti-xiden, anti-VAX, plandemic, ETC. is EVERYWHERE!!

No matter how you feel about ppl like Nicki or Britney, their ability to reach millions and millions of ppl is undeniable.

Seems like if there ever was a time to "switch sides" for a lot of these lib-tards and not be persecuted and most likely welcomed by our side to the battle....well that time is NOW!!

Just early morning spit-balling for sure but WWG1WGA