I just finished the call with my mother. They've returned from their vacation in Greece and she wanted to share their impressions... So far so good, right...
Well, I am not that close with my family, over the years our relationship sort of atrophied, because we are so bloody different... but we do talk regularly, in attempts to maintain the level of understanding that we can have... Mostly, spent in me acting like a clown, filling the time of the call with jokes, or just nodding my head to the latest gossips that I have no interest in... OK let me get to the point, I'm loosing my threads... I cannot talk about vaccines with them, since they were always into that stuff. My sister has a medical background and she is pretty much parroting what she is programmed to do in school. The only vaccine I got in my life (Measles one, I believe), before the school, as a child left me paralised on left side of the body for almost a month, and I have epileptic seizures since then, that only got more intense as I got older.
They got the jab so they can go to Greece, of course. My mother had a brain stroke, soon after that and a complete shut-down, but she emerged seemingly OK, with explanation from her doctor that, that sort of thing comes with age... FFS!!! My father was scared shitless and he does not usually cry but that whole experience made him weep. They came back from Greece, full of positive praise for how propaganda there is not as present as here in Serbia. But then she started talking about infected, and common sense to mask, and infected children, and "of course" forbidden gatherings for weddings in Serbia... and my blood is boiling...
I tried to tell her about mask not doing anything, and got response that "she knows" (WTF), I told her about millions of people having adverse effects of the vaccine, and got dismissive response that "she does not have that information", told her about the Nuremberg trails, and at that point I might have been talking to a stone... They do not get any information in. But she did ask me are wife and I going to vacation...
I told her that we are not, that I am not going to do what they did, in order to be allowed to go (not that I'm traveling kind either way, grew up in Yugoslavia while it was being destroyed by Cabal, could not afford to travel, and never got the taste for it). She responded to me that, "well, that is my belief... and she is not going to tell me what is right" (at least they gave up on that years ago)...
Anyway. I cannot talk to them, it's a stone wall. I know this resonates with at least some of you, so I wonder, how do you make peace with yourself. I cannot wake them up. Giving them resources would be like giving a literature to (and I hate to say this), a cattle... I am numb, watching all of this happening, and praying for the resolution, and hoping it will come before more damage is afflicted...
For the past few weeks our 24 year old son (whom we have NEVER had a lick of problems from, made good grades all the way thru college, has a very good job, and has always seemed to have a good head on his shoulders)-has been distancing himself from communicating with us...yesterday I decided it was time to confront the issue and try to get him to understand that we do disagree on the vaccine and it is ok for us to disagree but we do not need to let this drive a wedge between our parent/son relationship.....he proceeded to tell me that we are being silly and childish for not wanting to protect our health and take care of ourselves and it is a shame that he has to be the adult to his parents...in his own words he pretty much said we are on a suicide mission if we don't get the vaxx...I was floored to realize that he has totally gone off the deep end with the fucked up brainwashing going on in our Country these days...this conversation blew me away and once I realized i did not have a chance at talking sense in him my voice escalated a few notches and our conversation did not go much further....this is our youngest and my wife is an emotional mess knowing that her 'little baby" is pretty much divorcing us for now....I say "now" because at this point the only hope we have is that over time he will wake up and realize he was mislead and misinformed. So sad that this fake plandemic has not only caused worldwide economic disaster but is also dividing families. Not looking for any sympathy on this but did wanna post so that others will realize family strife is probably happening with many many families these days. Take care frens and lets keep hoping this movie ends sooner than later.
Oh my friend. It pains me so much to hear you have to deal with this. These people will pay, they have to, and soon. I don't feel you're asking for sympathy, the family struggle is real. I had more understanding and support from people, here, than in my own family or country, even. It's fucked up what is going on, every day, I'm starting half broken in the morning, and picking up the pieces at night before the bed, only to repeat the process all over, the next day... And I pray, I stumble and fall, and talk with my wife... Telling the stories we said so many times before, just to make ourselves push through another day... This agony has to stop, I know it will... I just hope it's sooner than later, because I'm not sure how I manage to keep doing this...
Amen and thank you....yes this site has done wonders for me as well for the past 8 or 9 months....it has become part of my daily routine and I get lots of good vibes from it....but yes I think the days are very tough for lots of us...we have never been through these types of times and it is very frustrating to see our Country fall apart at the hands of a corrupt Govt that lies, cheats, steals, and kills. We just need to stay strong, stay together as a group, keep the faith and continue to remind ourselves that NCSWIC and WWG1WGA.
I appreciate this, dude. Thank you so much.