Secret Encrypted Comms App Was an AFP Sting Op. Don't Trust ANY Tech Folks.
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You can trust tech that allows you to generate or specify your own encryption keys.... there's just not that many that have that functionality...
I'm old enough to remember SSH having a back door...
So am I but it's also the reason there are software updates. If you are using a version of ssh that old, I might not be able to help you
Well... my Yggdrasil has the latest updates.
You know, I have wondered from time to time whether running older / less common software is in itself, more secure. I guess you generally can know the vulnerabilities and hopefully minimize them for your own use.
It's ultimately about who you are defending against though. It's one thing to generally be secure, it's quite another to try to defend yourself from nation state actors.
Think sneaker net... (just saying that took me back to the movie sneakers)...
Think El Paquete Semanal...
Cuba is an excellent laboratory on how low tech things like a hard drive full of movies that "poor people" can copy and pass around (a self replicating, self distributing system... aka virus)... specially if it has MEMES embedded into the front / end of movies as the payload...
Low tech AND it could put a big dent in hollywood... AND it could put a big dent in censoring network providers...
And what if part of the payload was a list of all CFR / Bilderberg attendees... and how they are responsible for the loss of loved ones and freedom... and how "non-essential" these people are... and how the world might be better off without them...
Propaganda is the most powerful weapon ever invented... imagine if it were turned into a game against the globalists...
Gamification + Viral components + Propaganda against them + Low tech hard to censor comm lines.
A Brave New World
You. I like you.
So let's assume we can't physically pass info like USB sticks because of an Australia type lockdown.
What other low tech options might exist?
They make pretty good directional wifi equipment... couple that with an open source MESH network that is not connected to the interwebs