posted ago by LockedandLoaded ago by LockedandLoaded +10 / -0

We all need to be actively calling out and rebutting anyone who is out there saying “The AZ Audit just confirmed Biden won and they even found more votes for Biden!! Blah blah”

I am seeing this everywhere right now. We need to be bold and call this out when we can. Hit them with all the ACTUAL findings and the stuff we see here on this site. Not only does it expose them as being completely uninformed and just a mindless lemmings, it exposes the truth to both them and anyone else who comes across the engagement.

I know that social media arguments rarely benefit anyone, but the reality is that the largest platform we all have is our social media.

Don’t be afraid to get out there and hit some fools with cold hard facts. The stakes are far too high anymore to sit back and worry about what other people will think. If someone thinks badly about you because you independently and critically analyze a situation and are willing to stand up for your Country and election integrity, then their opinion isn’t worth one second of your time anyway.

Stay strong y’all! With every second that goes by we are literally vindicated more and more. It is becoming increasingly difficult for anyone to make a solid, supported, and coherent argument in support of Biden, the Left, Covid hysteria, etc.

We are slowly winning the battle for the mind.