posted ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists +21 / -0

While having an exchange on twitter with a poster who is high on classical art, a few things dawned on me

For people who think it's stupid that someone can take a literal shit on a canvas and sell it for more money than someone who worked 6 months on a technically amazing painting, what is the root of postmodern art and what happened to it?

First of all the problem is that things like painting and sculpture got replaced by other artforms in the culture, first books and then in modern era film, tv and popular music. In a healthy society, painting would then appeal most to conservatives who connect to traditional things, finding appeal kind of like country music. Especially noting in modern day where time consuming things like working on a painting or sculpture make more sense for people not addicted to the internet.

But instead, the opposite happened. The art scene got taken over by the most unbearable leftists hipsters and elites trying to impress their small narcissistic group. Since they are progressives who despise traditionalism, instead of caring about old styles of painting, their goal is to either to literally piss and shit on it, or figuratively by painting a giant square and calling it art. They have to, because anything else would be betraying their deep hate of the past.

In short this made me realize - what leftists hate most is traditionalism. They pathologically despise it, in part because they associate it with more homophobic and racist eras, but probably on a deeper level as well. They want nothing to do with patriarchal masculinity, country music probably drives them crazy, etc. I suppose in a way, they hate anything old. Perhaps because old age scares them so much. The only old people on their side are acting like children emotionally like Biden and Pelosi, there are no wise old woke people.