Oof. They’ll have to get creative to plow through Shapiro. Thank God AZ had Brnovich to help them along.
Now that the AZ evidence is out other states should have enough drive and energy to force these audits. Any AG that gets in the way is basically outing themselves as corrupt to the entire country, more undeniably than ever before. Suicide week or fleeing the county? They can pick one because I don’t see another way out.
AG Shapiro declared the Pennsylvania election "won" by Biden the day before the election on his Twatter. PA will be the most corrupt of all.
Oof. They’ll have to get creative to plow through Shapiro. Thank God AZ had Brnovich to help them along.
Now that the AZ evidence is out other states should have enough drive and energy to force these audits. Any AG that gets in the way is basically outing themselves as corrupt to the entire country, more undeniably than ever before. Suicide week or fleeing the county? They can pick one because I don’t see another way out.
He was also on the ballot. Pray that the most corrupt states have people in their senates that are as tenacious.