Please bear with me as I am a fragmented individual and have a difficult time mapping out for others what is in my head. I believe I have found another symbol: Polka dots. However, I don't know what it means. I only have speculations. A big thing about polka dots, is that they keep coming back to suspicious clowns, mind control, and victims in one way or another.
It hit me in the gut when watching McKayla Maroney's testimony, that we were both in polka dot dresses and red lips. Call it divine inspiration or psychotic pattern recognition, I don't care, because it led me down damning rabbit holes that I am going to attempt to lay out some of for you. It could all be giant coincidence or it could actually mean something. Any and all help investigating this is encouraged and welcomed. This has been a difficult journey for me and I could use some help. For the sake of my health, I need to take a step back for a bit and recharge with prayer and devotion.
The first bit of research led me to "The girl in the polka dot dress". This is the conspiracy that a girl, accompanied by two men, killed JFK.
I decided then to look into the history of polka dots. A lot will tell you it started with the Polka craze back in the 1840's in Europe and that only the dots stuck around. The term Polka Dots first appears in print in 1857 in Godey's Lady's Book which was a ladies magazine based out of Philly. I haven't looked into this magazine or the author for connections yet.
Polka dots in spanish are called little moons. I do not know if this is of relation to the sacrificial moon children or not. Nonetheless, I found it an interesting coincidence. Especially with Frank Sinatra's song, "Polka Dots and Moonbeams". I've found some things that suggest Frank Sinatra was a follower of Anton LaVey, who is recognized for founding the church of satan and left high school to join the circus. It is unclear whether or not Frank Sinatra was a handler or a customer.
In Africa, dots were a symbol of mysticism and a rite of passage. Supposedly supernatural potency comes with the dots. There is a book called Patternalia which discusses the origins of dots in it. I found a commenter who reasonably suggested that the white painted dots could also represent cowry shells. Potentially big if true given the symbolism of the cowry shell and it's wide spread reach and because it was considered the most successful currency in many regions of the world and is still used in some places as legal tender today. Could polka dots then also represent a sale or trade?
African dots lead to me to a polka dot door. "The Lega people of Western Africa would carry out a ritual where a young man painted in white dots would knock on polka-dotted doors until one opened." There is also a canadian kids show called "Polka Dot Door" which is packed with symbolism. I'm guessing there is a connection there, but I haven't yet dug too deeply into it.
Here's where it gets a little weird. After taking a break from furiously looking into polka-dots, my attention was drawn to an episode of Futurama that auto-played while I was cooking. It was the episode with the prediction balls and fry asks what's the polka dotted one for and the guy answers "clown slaughter, happens more than you'd think". This struck me for personal reasons as well as the dots. So I searched based on memory while paying attention for dots and came to movie called Killer Klowns from Outer Space. In the movie, women are put into polka dotted balloons (that look like the futurama crime prediction ball for clown slaughter) and are taken away. The movie is also packed with symbolism, including adrenochrome.
I stumbled onto John wayne gacy. Or rather Pogo. The dots are there too and the paintings he made of people where also connected to the symbol polka dots, like JFK who was supposedly killed by the girl in the polka dot dress. Infact, gacy led me down many holes via the polka dot.
Further looking into things, I came to discover the finders cult and patch adams. Seriously, look at his institute/commune site's gallery. It's in your face. So many rabbit holes opened up on that discovery.
Other notable polka dot mentions are the polka dot man who rides a polka dot (that screams flying saucer to me which circles me back to killer clowns from space). The Polka dot Polka from "The gangs all here" which is worthy of a watch and also includes other monarch/mind control symbolism. Minnie Mouse's polka dot dress. The song about the yellow polka dot bikini. The polka dot tie from the handler in the music video, "For A Better Day". Don Lemon's tie when he calls "anti-vaxxers" stupid and then some. And the old rhyme, "circle circle dot dot now you've got your cootie shot".
I suspect different polka dots have different sub meanings but that they all have a not good general meaning.
There are many more fringe connections I have made, but I find myself overwhelmed with them so stuck to the big ones for this post and some are connections from personal experience. Hopefully, in time, I will be able to lay it out sensibly for others.
Thank you for reading, I hope you can help me... connect the dots. Let's keep an eye out for them, I've since been noticing them in peculiar modern places.
For reasons that I hope are obvious, I have not connected this post with any links. The information I have shared is easy to find.