Had a friend's family all get sick after they all got vaccinated. A really bad flu is how she described it, that started right after the jab and lasted a week or so, for all of them. They were required to quarantine etc but she said towards the end the were more than ready to go back to work just to get a break from each other. She said that's what got her thinking there's was some thing sketchy about it. I filled her in on what I knew and she ran with it. Asked me about where to get some ivermectin at lunch today. Sometimes you have to be shown. Ps: the way they are going after Native Alaskans with the fear psyop campaign is evil beyond belief.
Wow, congrats on another convert. It's interesting how they especially go after the minorities. I believe the lies of darwin and old earth theory have driven people to become eugenists, which is essentially racism in action.
Had a friend's family all get sick after they all got vaccinated. A really bad flu is how she described it, that started right after the jab and lasted a week or so, for all of them. They were required to quarantine etc but she said towards the end the were more than ready to go back to work just to get a break from each other. She said that's what got her thinking there's was some thing sketchy about it. I filled her in on what I knew and she ran with it. Asked me about where to get some ivermectin at lunch today. Sometimes you have to be shown. Ps: the way they are going after Native Alaskans with the fear psyop campaign is evil beyond belief.
Wow, congrats on another convert. It's interesting how they especially go after the minorities. I believe the lies of darwin and old earth theory have driven people to become eugenists, which is essentially racism in action.