Interesting study aim, I will have to look more into if there are similar studies done to back this one up.
If true though, it seems exceedingly strange, how an east asian bat virus jumped to humans, especially well suited for infecting all other ethnicities than the local one wouldn't you say? 🤔
I disagree.
The same Sons of Satan who conspired to push the COVID holocaust hoax and their deadly vaccines will knowingly and falsly claim all vaccine injuries and deaths are caused by the Delta Variant or a new variant.
[They'll] claim the only solution is MOAR deadly vaccinations.
[They] will do everything they can to mandate death to as many Christians as possible, especially our children.
Interesting study aim, I will have to look more into if there are similar studies done to back this one up.
If true though, it seems exceedingly strange, how an east asian bat virus jumped to humans, especially well suited for infecting all other ethnicities than the local one wouldn't you say? 🤔
Especially when they were hibernating.