Hubby is retired military (Go, Navy!), and neither one of us are getting the jab. The VA has sent him several letters and emails, encouraging him to get the vax. He talked to his PA about doing a blood test to check for antibodies since more and more doctors and medical professionals are saying natural immunity after contracting Covid is better than the vaccine. She told him the VA won't allow her to do it. When he asked why, she said they would rather he get the jab. Not much of an answer, I know, but her hands are essentially tied.
Fast forward a few weeks. Hubby went to a Fast Pace facility for a minor injury. The NP who works there lives in our neighborhood. They got to talking about Covid stuff, and he told her about the VA refusing to do an antibody test. She said, "I'll do it!'
Five days later, the results showed he still has antibodies from when we both had Covid last September. I decided to do the same, and my results were positive for antibodies as well.
I've been an RN for over 30 years. My understanding of most colds, flu, etc. is that you usually keep antibodies for that particular strain for 2-3 months, tops. The fact that ours are still in our systems for over a year makes me wonder if the theory about lifetime immunity to Covid may be true.
Has anyone else been tested for antibodies?
I got covid, my doc immediately starts telling me to get vaxxed in 3 months. I told her there is no way I am getting the jab. And the fact that she and the rest give no credit for natural immunity makes me even more solid in my stance. She tried to say natural immunity may las 3 6 9 months as if she knows. They all say the same thing, they are parrots for the cdc.
And what about the long-term efficacy of the jab? They're recommending booster shots after 6 months.
exactly, funny how that subject is never brought up by doctors pushing the jab. Further their claims that natural immunity runs out quickly is out of thin air, they have no evidence of this.
I also tried to redpill her about remvesidir and that it is killing patients. Her response was that all drugs have dangers.