An internet friend posted they had covid. Was admitted. They began using remdesivir. I posted please research, it has deadly side effects and attached an article.
They respond, admonishing me for scaring them. I’m so very sad. For the past four years or so I’ve spent thousands of hours researching and reading about this whole mess and the few times l reach out to help the people either laugh or get mad. My daughter and brother got the vax and I’m horrified for them.
I’ve followed my research and feel better than I have in years. Literally turned my life around.
I’m trying, Lord. When will this madness end?
You gave them the information, so you did your part. What they do with the information is their choice.
Interesting that they admonish you for 'scaring' them, yet they don't stop to consider that perhaps there's a valid reason that information scares them. Also interesting that they don't like those who love them 'scaring' them, yet they drink up the MSM's fearmongering like it's fine wine.
She could listen and switch treatments and perhaps stop the damage. Or she can continue and not be scared and sadly we all know probable outcome. I hate that there is so much evil in this world.