This happened in my small town.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
An unvaccinated overweight guy I know got sick. The doctor told him he had covid and had to be put on a ventilator or he was going to die. He told the POS doc your not gonna kill me with a ventilator, I'll go home and die. Somebody he knows brought him 3 ivermectin tablets. 3 days later he is fine. FUCK THE LYING SCUMBAG DOCTORS, NURSES, POLITICIANS AND ANYBODY ELSE INVOLVED IN MURDERING PEOPLE FOR $$$$$
They kill people with the vents destroying the lungs and remdesivir to destroy other organs like kidneys.
It’s a death sentence, it is much better to reject it and take your chances at home. And get the meds needed ahead of time for Pete’s sake!
Yup. It's what Albert Spence, pulmonary nurse, is saying here:
It's also what Dr. Bryan Ardis is saying here:
It's also what Dr. Zelenko and lots of others are saying.
Early treatment is available, and denial of early treatment is one of the critical components of this global crime and assault.