posted ago by CMAnon ago by CMAnon +19 / -0

After all the bluster and noise about audits, what exactly is happening about the Georgia audit? And those in Michigan, PA, WI, and others? More importantly has anyone thought about 2022 elections right around the corner? You realize that the next election when stolen will give the Dems full control of Congress and White House. With that they can pack the Supreme Court with radicals, defund the military, institute vaccine passports and anything else they want to do. For example they could create a new Federal office controlled by them to oversee the vote totals. They would make Dominion machines and mail in voting the law of the land. They could pass a law to keep Trump from running in 2024 and their newly packed SCOTUS would rubber stamp it. In other words, if they steal 2022, they will never lose another election EVER. So, I ask again. What has been done to eliminate the machines and mail-in voting? FYI, everything else is a diversion to keep you focused on anything but that. 2020 was a dry run. The Newsome recall was a dry run. The 2022 election will be the one they want. It will be game over unless stopped. Trump 2024 will never happen if they steal 2022. It won't matter if 99% of the people vote Trump, their "official count" will show he lost. Checkmate.