I used to get annoyed by telemarketers and scam calls. Now I answer and tell them about election fraud, Covid lies, vaccine dangers, and where to find project veritas. It’s a lot of fun.
ℹ️ ⚔️ Info Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

I usually answer and lay the phone near some loud and annoying sound. If I'm watching something on TV or maybe a place it near a loud electric tool in working with at the moment. Sometimes I even play them a song with my harmonica...I don't know how to play the harmonica but what I lack in talent, I make up for with enthusiasm and volume. I think they love it.
Top Kek!!!
Yeah I’ll sometimes put Cartoon Network on and just set the phone down.
I've done that a lot. What burns me is the robo call that says "if you want to opt out of future calls, press 9"....well when the answering machine answers, you can't "press 9" to opt out. So sick of "Amy, calling about...."