First off, if you don’t know how to muscle test (kinesiologic testing, see book Power vs. Force: An Anatomy of Consciousness The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by David R. Hawkins, M.D. , Ph.D.), I recommend that you learn how. I have been muscle testing for two years and it has changed my family’s lives. I muscle test for everything—supplements, remedies, food, illnesses, etc. My method of muscle testing is different than the method described in the book, and I’ve seen four other variations of muscle testing. There are probably natural health practitioners and chiropractors who utilize it in their practices that live in your area.
My mom is 65 years old, healthy and active, BMI within normal limits for her height, Filipino, history of stage I breast cancer in remission for two years now, and has high cholesterol. She received her Pfizer dose in February and had the subsequent dose two weeks later. She refuses to get the third recommended dose because I have red pilled her. I muscle tested that she had received one placebo dose (her first dose) and one regular dose. She had no immediate side effects, however, her mood worsened, her energy levels decreased drastically, she gained weight around her abdomen despite being very active, and her memory was worsening with each month that passed.
In August I convinced her to let me try to heal her. She took her remedies the week of September 5th. This is the remedy plan I had for her. Keep in mind that this is the plan I specifically muscle tested for her (meaning, it might not work for everyone), and that she only had one actual dose of the Pfizer vaccine according to my muscle testing.
Her plan was for seven days, and I muscle tested what times she should take the remedies. She followed her plan faithfully and it worked. -MMS (chlorine dioxide, bought off of eBay). She mixed three drops each of citric acid and sodium chlorite, waited a minute for it to react, and then added 1 L of water. She took this in the morning and drank it probably over an hour or two. -Cistus incanus tea (from Amazon). 4 teaspoons brewed in a pot of water (I don’t know what size pot she used, sorry). She drank the pot’s worth throughout the day with her breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Carbon 60 (from SES Research) 4ml twice a day
- Zinc 50mg (from Life Extension) 2 pills twice a day
- Quercetin 250mg (also from Life Extension) 2 pills twice a day
- NAC 600mg (Life Extension) 2 pills twice a day
- Vitamin C gummies (COSTCO brand) 2 gummies twice daily
Her normal daily supplement and medication routine includes a Smarty Pants vitamin gummy daily, ashwaganda, her cholesterol medicine (only on the weekdays), and her anti-cancer medication. She occasionally treats herself with an elderberry gummy. My mom eats pretty healthy; she does eat bread and chips, but those are her only vices.
I’ve also given her some products to help with EMF exposure, which she has been wearing pre-vaccination for over a year now. She wears two personal protector diodes (from the Meta-Center Chicago ), and she wears a Q-link (it’s got a giant Q on one side of it, lol, ). In addition, I have a computer diode from the Meta-Center on her router, and I grounded her smart meter. We don’t have 5G here.
She’s doing great now, despite having lost her dad and dog in August and September. I muscle tested that she is no longer producing spike proteins. Her mood is great, she has a more positive attitude and laughs and smiles again, her memory is back to normal (she is sharp as a tack again), she’s starting to lose that weight she gained, and her energy is back to pre-vaccine levels.
Now I am detoxing her graphene oxide with six sprays twice a day with Touchstone Essentials zeolite spray. She’s going to have to do that for a month. Here’s a discounted bottle for you, complements of Stew Peters show
I thought I’d post this after seeing that VICE article on MMS. Really great read, and they’re treating people’s vaccines with MMS IV infusions. I just wanted to let you guys know that you don’t need to do the IV infusion. Here’s the VICE article entitled, “Doctors are injecting bleach to treat COVID in Bolivia (in case you haven’t read it yet):
Finally, I wanted to talk to you guys about the dangers of 5G. I muscle test that people on this island do not shed the spike protein, and I believe it is because we do not have 5G. I do have a vaccinated (Moderna) friend (35 years old, female, obese) here who is an exception, and she wears an Apple watch and carries her iPhone on her at the same time, and I muscle test that she does shed the spike protein. I believe it is because she is super conductive from the Apple products that she wears, which may be emitting the 5G signal. I don’t hang with her because I don’t want to be affected, but every other vaccinated person (local or tourist) on this island does not shed the spike protein and I haven’t been affected by any shedding symptoms when I’ve been exposed to family or tourists who are vaccinated.
5G is awful, guys, as well as regular EMFs. I suggest you get diodes (we both wear three, additionally I keep smokey quartz on me). We also wear a SRT-3 Q-link also. My husband and I have a smart meter cover as well as a few products from (Lifetune room, cellphone diode). We also do not use a WiFi router, we disabled the WiFi chip from our desktop computer, and our phone is on airplane mode or in a different room than where we are. I suggest you try to decrease your EMF exposure as much as possible, and to get educated on its effects at this website
Whatever remedies you end up using for your situation, I highly suggest you muscle test for accuracy on what your body needs. The remedies need to be tailored to your situation and your health, age, etc. Don't just follow this remedy protocol blindly; I just wanted to post it because I want you all to know that there is hope for the vaccinated. Prayer helps too.
Wishing you all the best of health. I’m going to sleep now, so I won’t be able to directly answer questions to this post in real time. Have a great day! I look forward to reading your comments in the morning. Has anyone else had any success with treating vaccines or with muscle testing in general?
Just wanted to chime in about muscle testing. We have been doing this in my family for 3 decades, we learned of it when I was 16 and I kept losing a necklace I had with a crystal in it. After the 6th time I was telling my chiropractor about it and she said, let's muscle test it! My body was rejecting this crystal in every way possible. She suggested I give it away and perform this test on the person I give it to. I can't even begin to tell you how that one move leveled out my teenage angst!
We use it for everything! I have used it dozens of times to choose an antibiotic for many ailments and it is always accurate and always works. (P.s. fish antibiotics are fine, I have a full cabinet and they work).
So just a 2nd vote for muscle testing, if you have never heard of it, look into it. Your body knows what it needs, listen to it! Do not discount this method if you've never tried it. I usually have to hold a can of soda to remind myself of what my body is rejecting and what it is accepting. FYI my body has never accepted soda or any food full of sugar and preservatives.