posted ago by Pqbqcq ago by Pqbqcq +10 / -0

Might be low probability but with all of MSM media focus on the Gabby Pietto murder case dubbed "Americas Daughter" and the Medical Examiner stating homicide but delaying manner of death, today they are releasing her toxicology report with press coverage.

This am on gab social the account of Donald Trumpet released a pdf of MOAB Project of DOE. Movement of tons of uranium and toxic waste going on. And MOAB, UT was the initial police department on Gabbys case. The attached NY Post stated she was in a "toxic relationship". I know not to trust the Post but they may have provided a clue.

What if Gabbys manner of death is toxic exposure to these activities. She kept a log of her travels as she was a travel blogger...more than 11 sites. I did post in detail about Gabbys Trails in prior post. I know low probability but if true it could expose the bloviated Climate Change narrative and oh my goodness the potential harm to UT and CO and Colorado River. FF.... Praying its just a rabbit 🐇🙏 hole.
