A CONTAGION of COURAGE is spreading across America as pilots, police, firefighters and other workers say, "Take this JAB and SHOVE it!"
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My husband’s work had a meeting on the vaccines today and my husband and all his coworkers but one said they’re not taking the vax. This company does millions of dollars worth of business for coal companies so if his boss decides to feel froggie and leap he’s going to be out millions on lost contracts. My husbands boss said his “lawyers weren’t going to be happy” so it doesn’t seem like he really wants to push vaccines but at the end of the day he needs to stand up for his employees or I wish him luck on finding 10 vaxxed diesel mechanics before his business goes under.
Competent diesel mechanics are very hard to find....
Yes they are! It’s a tough job too that not many nowadays are willing to do. My husband and his coworkers are standing firm on not taking the death jab. His buddy already said that him and my husband have other jobs already lined up if needed. A few years ago my husbands previous workplace went under basically overnight and within 2 hrs of word getting out that the business was shutting its doors my husband had 5 job offers making more money than he had before. Good work gets noticed and good employees are hard to find.
This could be a similar situation, you might be looking at a blessing in disguise...
I pray you’re right!🙏
Skilled tradesmen (and women) are going to hold a lot of sway in this fight. They were already hard to find before. Cutting your pool in half will make it even harder. Employers can't just train up whole new crews on the spur of the moment from the vaxxed without taking major hits. Not to mention that people who simply got vaxxed because someone told them to are not the kind of people these employers are going to want. Working with complex machinery and techniques often leads to situations that require innovation on the fly and not waiting for someone to tell you what to do.