The SEC is wholly, without-a-doubt, 100% part of the corruption. Their job is NOT to protect us investors, but protect the crimes of the evil people who run the U.S. financial market. - EVERYONE should at least buy one share of GME, preferably directly from ComputerShare... where it will be a "real" share in YOUR name, and removed from the hands of the evil, soulless ones.
Direct register your shares of GME with ComputerShare. They are the trading agent for GME. This pulls your shares from the brokers name and puts it in your name. This also pulls your shares from being able to be loaned and shorted against retail.
The SEC is wholly, without-a-doubt, 100% part of the corruption. Their job is NOT to protect us investors, but protect the crimes of the evil people who run the U.S. financial market. - EVERYONE should at least buy one share of GME, preferably directly from ComputerShare... where it will be a "real" share in YOUR name, and removed from the hands of the evil, soulless ones.
Direct register your shares of GME with ComputerShare. They are the trading agent for GME. This pulls your shares from the brokers name and puts it in your name. This also pulls your shares from being able to be loaned and shorted against retail.