It’s possible that the sequence can also be unlocked via a certain frequency. In fact I’m looking at frequency manipulation any way. Healthy cells vibrate at a certain rate it helps open channels for food intake and expelling wastes. Imagine trying to open your door with crashing waves or a shaking earthquake, you can’t. Frequency manipulation like 5 G can prevent cells from functioning properly and could also make any situation worse for body survival. It’s possible an area could be targeted with radiation devices and it unlocks a hidden lentivirus programming.
While you are describing something that is techincally a consideration that is considered, please understand you're spreading as plausible what is akin to wormhole time travel or frictionless superconduction -- interesting topics to ponder, with hints of being within the realm of plausibility, but not reasonable avenues of everyday explanation.
If Obama was in London at noon and Washington an hour later a wormhole might be technically plausible, but I'd sooner entertain a dozen other explanations first. Like a body double, prerecordings, or that space X rocket travel stuff --
-- Some guy's neighborhood getting the flu in october is better explained by, you know, the flu. Like every year.
Well I agree that it’s plausible but it makes sense to me because these were all the concerns we had as they produced these methods known as CRISPR. If it’s possible the vaccine is a bioweapon it’s even more likely that viruses are vehicles for RNA insertion. People tried to fight genetic alteration ten years ago for these reasons.
For example they cured a fast growing glioma by manipulating the measles virus to only attack cancer cells.
Manipulation of viruses has been happening for years and lentivirus programs are offered all over the place for genetic therapy. So it’s way more likely than time travel which isn’t done with ease.
CRISPR has nothing to do with cellular modulation by vibration.
You're stringing together word salad scare shit claiming conspiracy where nothing connects. Just because CRISPR allows gene editing and viruses have genes and we've been experimenting with using viral mechanism as delivery vehicles does not mean you've connected the dots to...
...'unlocking hiden lentivirus activation by 5G vibration'
My whole neighborhood just got over a pretty bad flu… it felt “released”
It’s possible that the sequence can also be unlocked via a certain frequency. In fact I’m looking at frequency manipulation any way. Healthy cells vibrate at a certain rate it helps open channels for food intake and expelling wastes. Imagine trying to open your door with crashing waves or a shaking earthquake, you can’t. Frequency manipulation like 5 G can prevent cells from functioning properly and could also make any situation worse for body survival. It’s possible an area could be targeted with radiation devices and it unlocks a hidden lentivirus programming.
While you are describing something that is techincally a consideration that is considered, please understand you're spreading as plausible what is akin to wormhole time travel or frictionless superconduction -- interesting topics to ponder, with hints of being within the realm of plausibility, but not reasonable avenues of everyday explanation.
If Obama was in London at noon and Washington an hour later a wormhole might be technically plausible, but I'd sooner entertain a dozen other explanations first. Like a body double, prerecordings, or that space X rocket travel stuff --
-- Some guy's neighborhood getting the flu in october is better explained by, you know, the flu. Like every year.
Well I agree that it’s plausible but it makes sense to me because these were all the concerns we had as they produced these methods known as CRISPR. If it’s possible the vaccine is a bioweapon it’s even more likely that viruses are vehicles for RNA insertion. People tried to fight genetic alteration ten years ago for these reasons.
For example they cured a fast growing glioma by manipulating the measles virus to only attack cancer cells.
Manipulation of viruses has been happening for years and lentivirus programs are offered all over the place for genetic therapy. So it’s way more likely than time travel which isn’t done with ease.
CRISPR has nothing to do with cellular modulation by vibration.
You're stringing together word salad scare shit claiming conspiracy where nothing connects. Just because CRISPR allows gene editing and viruses have genes and we've been experimenting with using viral mechanism as delivery vehicles does not mean you've connected the dots to...
...'unlocking hiden lentivirus activation by 5G vibration'