I don't know honestly. I am newer to politics, wasn't usually brought up in my household (who parents voted for was a big secret to me and still is) ...
I'm trying to catch up because I slept through these classes way back in high school (rough times) ...
Basically, this is my great awakening as well..
Louisiana is unique in a lot of ways. We are the only state that runs under the napoleonic code (the law). The demographics are bizarre. Google it. The corruption runs deep. The main reason (IMO) is New Orleans. There has been a lot of people (millennials) moving from dem states bc they fell in love with the city’s history, music, and laissez faire attitude. Once entrenched in the city, they decide they want to change everything. We have statues being torn down that have been there forever and during rona, I actually witnessed. 20 yo blonde white girl with a bullhorn telling a black dude that he was an Uncle Tom bc he didn’t support BLM. You couldn’t have asked for a better representation of America (At our table... black, gay, white, Spanish) having an honest, friendly discussion, who all agreed about the bullshit). You don’t hear a lot about anything crazy happening bc NOPD is amazing at crowd control. The current governor is a conservative dem. The mayor of NOLA is so in bed with the corruption it’s unimaginable. Her permanent residence is in TX and hasn’t paid her LA taxes. I could write a freaking novel. Crimes out of control right now. Mandates forcing NOPD and contract workers to retire or quit. All kinds of funding and the city is being destroyed. Not sure I answered the question but it’s a start
and here in Louisiana, well we were just always fkd ...
Why are you guys blue? I always thought every one was red in the south. Stereotyping I know.
I don't know honestly. I am newer to politics, wasn't usually brought up in my household (who parents voted for was a big secret to me and still is) ... I'm trying to catch up because I slept through these classes way back in high school (rough times) ... Basically, this is my great awakening as well..
Louisiana is unique in a lot of ways. We are the only state that runs under the napoleonic code (the law). The demographics are bizarre. Google it. The corruption runs deep. The main reason (IMO) is New Orleans. There has been a lot of people (millennials) moving from dem states bc they fell in love with the city’s history, music, and laissez faire attitude. Once entrenched in the city, they decide they want to change everything. We have statues being torn down that have been there forever and during rona, I actually witnessed. 20 yo blonde white girl with a bullhorn telling a black dude that he was an Uncle Tom bc he didn’t support BLM. You couldn’t have asked for a better representation of America (At our table... black, gay, white, Spanish) having an honest, friendly discussion, who all agreed about the bullshit). You don’t hear a lot about anything crazy happening bc NOPD is amazing at crowd control. The current governor is a conservative dem. The mayor of NOLA is so in bed with the corruption it’s unimaginable. Her permanent residence is in TX and hasn’t paid her LA taxes. I could write a freaking novel. Crimes out of control right now. Mandates forcing NOPD and contract workers to retire or quit. All kinds of funding and the city is being destroyed. Not sure I answered the question but it’s a start
We aren’t blue. We just have dominion voting machines.