She was admitted to the ICU tonight with covid and bacterial pneumonia in her lungs. They are going to try regeneron and they have her on a ventilator. Her oxygen went up from 70 to 80 after going on the vent. Please say a prayer for her and give her strength. She is the nicest lady in the world!
Edit: Prayer works! Her oxygen level is up to 93 this afternoon and she has improved kidney function! The steroids and antibiotics appear to be working and helping her pneumonia. Thank you all for the prayers. She's not out of the woods yet, but making improvements.
At this point I am amazed that anyone here on this forum believes that there is truly a covid virus... the fake virus is all about the $$$... I do believe that she actually has the all too familiar and typical pneumonia.
This is information I retained from a video I watched on this forum (I don't recall which video). If someone here recognizes this information and knows of the video, please do post the link.
NO VENTILATOR -‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ ONLY HI-‐FLOW OXYGEN‐Flow-‐Oxygen-‐Therapy If hospital refuses this treatment -‐-‐ take your loved one out of the hospital and get hospice care!!! This is the treatment your loved one (or yourself) needs: Intravenous -‐ Vitamin C & D -‐-‐ at least 10,000 units (if not 20,000) Intravenous -‐ Zinc NAC -‐ Triple Dose:‐1018/n-‐acetyl-‐cysteine-‐nac Budesonide: (Usually used for COPD -‐ Steroid Deemed the "Silver Bullet") ft9LY8gIVwxatBh3pHwqTEAMYASAAEgJqzPD_BwE Hydroxycloroquine: RX0304&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi4nZ9NPY8gIVtyCtBh08Gw1wEAMYAiAAEgJpW_D_B wE Ivermectin: NmdTY8gIVBT6tBh3HaQqtEAAYASAAEgLhFfD_BwE CONTACT AMERICA'S FRONTLINE DOCTORS: (USE .ORG -‐-‐-‐ NOT .COM) Ask for Hydroxycloroquine and Ivermectin Prescription (get drugs in 24hrs). Go to an Intervenious center near you to get large doses of Vitamins C & D & Zinc. If you have a "bacterial" infection, use Antibiotics If you have a "viral" invection, you do not need Antibiotics.
Your links don’t work
Yes, sadly someone must have blocked a couple of them or just took the info offline..there are still a few working.