And nothing to do with the original, except via the sequel. That headline is sensationalist BULLSHIT. Prove me wrong fuckface, since you've decided I was an easy mark.
Why? Because you are on a forum that puts facts and evidence above all else. Their headline is misleading as fuck and you pop in to defend it. I don't give a fuck what the story says, but that headline is a DISGRACE to real journalism. You can have your favourite sites, I enjoy that one too, but I'm not cucked enough to not call them, and their "advocates", out on bullshit. Misdirecting the argument made is a far left tactic, you've just tried to use it and you've been caught. What you say?
And nothing to do with the original, except via the sequel. That headline is sensationalist BULLSHIT. Prove me wrong fuckface, since you've decided I was an easy mark.
Why? Because you are on a forum that puts facts and evidence above all else. Their headline is misleading as fuck and you pop in to defend it. I don't give a fuck what the story says, but that headline is a DISGRACE to real journalism. You can have your favourite sites, I enjoy that one too, but I'm not cucked enough to not call them, and their "advocates", out on bullshit. Misdirecting the argument made is a far left tactic, you've just tried to use it and you've been caught. What you say?