We flew from NC to WA in 2020. The airlines bragged that they were using hepa filters and filtering the cabin air much like an operating room. This tells me that they always had the capacity to filter the air, but just didn't do it. How many people report getting sick after every airplane trip? Have you ever been on a plane when someone changed a baby's poopy diaper? I will try to NEVER use their services again!
I remember the good old days when we could smoke on planes ... man, those were the days. Having a smoke and a nice drink at 30000 feet, back of the plane was all foggy, no-one gave a crap. People were friendly and relaxed 😃
We flew from NC to WA in 2020. The airlines bragged that they were using hepa filters and filtering the cabin air much like an operating room. This tells me that they always had the capacity to filter the air, but just didn't do it. How many people report getting sick after every airplane trip? Have you ever been on a plane when someone changed a baby's poopy diaper? I will try to NEVER use their services again!
I remember the good old days when we could smoke on planes ... man, those were the days. Having a smoke and a nice drink at 30000 feet, back of the plane was all foggy, no-one gave a crap. People were friendly and relaxed 😃