FROM THE RULES: Civil Discussion ONLY: They want you divided. They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc. Divided you are weak [no collective power]. Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].
I’ve had members here say VILE things about my Faith, been told I’m a pedophile just bc I'm Catholic, ALL CATHOLICS ARE PEDOS, I’m a pagan, I worship idols, I’m Satan, satanic, etc.,etc., etc....all the same LIES & IGNORANT BULLSHIT I put up with by everyone else, everywhere else. People have actually quit this group because of the toxicity at GA.
If you feel the need to spout off with an anti-Catholic comment here, you’re exactly the piece of work I’m addressing.
Unity? WWG1WGA, except for Catholics?
WWG1WGA includes having your eyes opened to the evil you are involved in without knowing it... including satanic religions. If you don't have thick enough skin to hear things about your viewpoints you have posted, then don't post about your viewpoints... If you are ready to have a real conversation to get to the bottom of your misunderstandings about what people think about your crazy satanic religion, you should be ready to talk about it and hear hard things and be willing to change your mind if you are in fact proven wrong... this is called opening your eyes... its not a bad thing
So the rules set forth here by the Admins don’t apply to you? You're exempt & special bc you think you understand Catholicism?
So what I said to you violated a rule?
Look at the rule posted. Do you think your comments are divisive? Unifying? Misplaced? Totes appropriate?
So if you believe Epstein killed himself and I know EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF I would be wrong for telling you he didn’t because it goes against the rules of the page? Because it wasn’t unifying? What about Covid being a fake pandemic? Where do you draw the line? Your mentality is weird bud… and you obviously came here and posted to get a reaction should you be considered to be breaking the rules? Sounds like liberalism is that what you want?
So no conversations that are divisive huh? How the f did we get to this point if we haven’t had any divisive conversations? Everything isn’t unifying until you realize what you are involved with and turn away from it and come to the fray… no false idols buddy… my relationship with Christ goes way further than your viewpoints on rules on a webpage… it’s my job to tell you you are following a satanic religion even if you think it’s divisive and not unifying.
As long as I’m not bashing you or treating you badly which I haven’t…
You said you're a sedevacantist and Bergoglio is an antipope.
Pot meet kettle?
Also, rosaries are condemned in the Bible. So is veneration of the dead.
However, please continue to say the rosary and praying to St. Anthony when you lose your car keys if you prefer to trust traditions of men over the Word of God. God gave us free will and it's a beautiful thing.
I never said antipope You did. He’s not an antipope. Rosaries are never mentioned in the Bible. But this is: It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." [2 Machabees 12:46] Douay Rheims
You can say there is no Pope instead of calling Bergoglio an antipope. but wouldn't that offend a devout Roman Catholic who is not a sedivacantist?
Jesus warns us against vain repetitions when we pray. As somebody who went to Catholic School and had to say the rosary, I guarantee I was rattling off those Hail Marys and Our Fathers as fast as I possibly could, and many of the Catholics who attend church every morning (and there are those who do just that) rapid fire their rosaries in much the same fashion.
Praying FOR the dead and praying TO the dead are two different things.
Also, Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin (Vulgate), referred to Maccabees and the other books of the Apocrypha as doubtful books. The Council of Laodicea (367 AD) did not recognize any of the Apocrypha (1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Baruch, etc,) as canon.
Amen brother. Notice how they never defend, they only whine. Just like liberals do.
Well, I know a Baptist who says i will never get to heaven unless i become a Baptist. I have a family full of Mormons who say I can't get there unless I return (talk about a rabbit hole...I spent three years chasing that particular rabbit and there's no doubt in my mind that romney is pure evil). I am Episcopal and am fully aware that our top bishops are left wingers straight out of Berkeley but my parish and the worship is what draws me. The litergy of the Catholic church is worship of God and His Son. None of us can control our priests be they James Baker or that Cardinal in Boston. The best any of us can do is worship and pray and try. I can't imagine Jesus would approve of calling one of His followers names.
Baptists don’t say that. They say only Christ… so your whole premise is broken down from the first few words. There is a difference between a relationship with Christ and works…
Well, all I can do is present what was said to me by a Baptist (actually there were several folks in on the discussion. My response was "come on, man, we'd let you into heaven but you'd keep us out?") I actually love Baptist worship...the music is wonderful.
Yeah I mean that’s why I stick with”No Creed but Christ, no book but the Bible”… you can’t fail. It has always done me right. I can’t be swayed by any religions specific beliefs. If I find out they go against the Bible I take note and at some point will say ok it’s time to move on
See its ego stuff like this response that make us never gain ground with each other. So ur plan is to tell Catholics the are part of a satanic religion. That is so completely wrong. First off satan has taken over all religions in some way shape or form. But it was corrupted over time. There is alot of wonderful things in the catholic church. Wonderful people to. The beauty of Jesus is he can still reach people even with a corrupt hand trying to lead them astray. Jesus wants us to unite people. It starts with him. Do u agree many Catholics have accepted Jesus in there hearts and repented?
Only if they only believe in the canonized Holy Bible with no traditions or idols which is impossible to do that and continue to stay in Catholic Church… it’s a circular argument
Ok so who do they make an idol out of. Idol is something you worship as God. The Mary thing they dont view as God or even a divine being. They view it as paying respect to. Same with everything else. Just because u assume they worship it doesnt make it so. Every catholic I have ever met views God as the top and accept jesus in the heart. U do realise not a single person on this planet has the complete understanding of the bible. So are there no Christian's.
You may want to read the catechism when you get a chance. Every accusation made at this site can be read verbatim from it. I'm an anathema, remember, the Happy Anathema? How can "anathema" even be introduced into the polite conversation that you so desire? Look at how many they have killed through all of history. Is this the "discourse" you seek?
I’ve had a lot of experiences with Catholics and they are fine mostly… I don’t think they understand the Bible as I do coming up in a non denominational Christian environment with no book but the Bible and no creed but Christ. But the idol thing is huge even if they consider it not following idols. Also there are a hundred other reasons that are hard to verbalize but one is having to go to a father of the church to ask for forgiveness because he is your intermediary to God when that in itself forces the people trying to follow Christ to worship a false idol (the father or priest or pope or whatever it is). Another item that comes to the top of my head is all of the craziness that happens at church and at funerals in the Catholic Church. I guess if you grew up in it it’s fine but when I went to a catholic funeral it was insane and I felt surrounded by satan. The acceptance of child molesters in the church and hiding them and lying about abuse is not ok either. And the latest shenanigans of the Pope changing hands for who knows what reason and then with all of the weird liberal stuff he has done since it went down… all of that should prove to anybody that it is the church of satan and you should get away from it as soon as you can.
Last thing… which church do most crooked politicians go to?