posted ago by KittyQ ago by KittyQ +56 / -1

I fucking hate Roy Cooper with EVERY fiber of my fucking being. North Carolinians need to stand the fuck up. I hate seeing my state go to shit because of this fucking retard. Any time I see his name I pray to God he gets brain cancer, hit by a truck, dies of coof, murdered, or they drag his ass to GITMO. Seeing his name or his face pop up makes me so irrationally angry I see red. I hate him so fucking much. I hate Roy Cooper more than any corrupt piece of fucking shit running these scenes because it’s personal. North Carolina is my home. He has fucking ruined it. He has more than ruined our beautiful state. This state used to be so serene and beautiful. He has taken a huge fucking dump on it ever since he slinked his way into power. LOOK AT GREENSBORO FOR EXAMPLE!!!! The amount of violent crime, prostitution, human trafficking, drugs and gang violence like WTF!!! There’s no fucking way our beautiful North Carolina state voted for him TWICE. I hope he fucking dies. I know your puppet masters helped you cheat to win the election in North Carolina. FUCK YOU SCUM!! If you see this, FUCK YOU ROY COOPER!!!!!!!! When this is all said and done, you will be one of the ones who is held accountable and hopefully they string you up with the rest of your fucking cronies. Sorry for the rage. Today’s news made me even more angry because he literally just showed North Carolinians he’s going to continue to abuse his power. That’s okay, [NC]SWIC. He’s not escaping the storm. He will be held accountable just like the rest of his handlers. N.C.S.W.I.C. No one escapes this. Not even you, Cooper.