The right thing isnt always the easiest. Wife refused jab and was fired today. Walked away from a ludicrous amount of money to keep her health and integrity. So proud of her.
Fuck the rising Medi-Reich.
The right thing isnt always the easiest. Wife refused jab and was fired today. Walked away from a ludicrous amount of money to keep her health and integrity. So proud of her.
Fuck the rising Medi-Reich.
I'm just counting the days's only a matter of time. I'm 100% ready to walk away from 14 years with this company and 6 figure plus earnings but I'll never quit. It will have to be in writing and signed off on by them and me as to why I'm being fired.
They can stuff their monopoly money right up their liberal asses. I wouldn't take that bullshit shit shot if someone were offering a million bucks so why the fuck would I take it for a company that tries to fuck over their employees any way they can?
Hill I die on....I've said this since hour number 1 of this whole damn wuflu bullshit. I meant it then and do now more than ever.
So much love and respect fist bump