Well, my ex and I knew this was coming. She’s now on full tilt about getting our 11/almost 12 yr old son vaccinated. My son and I both had Covid in early September. I’ve posted about the doc in Marble Falls TX that helped not just me, but my ex wife also adopted the treatment plan that this doc recommended.
Fast forward to Nov, she’s now blindly willing to jab our son…without being able to answer me on why you would have a person get a vaccine that is supposed to produce antibodies if you already have God given natural immunity with way more antibodies than a shit vax could ever produce b/c you’ve had the damn Fauchina virus.
Would you vaccinate your child for chicken-pox three months after they got and recovered from chicken-pox? Hell no!
Anyone have any links, data, articles, and really blatant child vax issue articles/vids?
People into the vax treat it like a religion I doubt anything will change her mind But here’s some:
Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective.
Dude, crappy thing is that most the relevant and recent vids have been removed…upset to say the least, but it’s par for the course.