Because everything they have is shit. Yeah they have our blueprints but it's made in's shit. Everything I've ever bought made in China has been a cheap piece of shit. I can't see replicated military equipment being any different than anything else they reproduce off someone else's hard work. They can't make a decent pair of fake Oakley sunglasses so I'm guessing their ability to build an F-35 is probably about the same. It's my own belief but I honestly think China is a paper tiger.
There is quality of quantity. Germany tanks and fighters outclassed the allies. They had jet fighters before anyone else, but we had so many that numbers just overwhelmed the Germans.
Narrator announces that Bejing might be able to launch a full scale invasion as early as 2025.
That is forever away.
Why couldn't they do it tomorrow? They have millions of soldiers, lots of ships, airplanes.
Because everything they have is shit. Yeah they have our blueprints but it's made in's shit. Everything I've ever bought made in China has been a cheap piece of shit. I can't see replicated military equipment being any different than anything else they reproduce off someone else's hard work. They can't make a decent pair of fake Oakley sunglasses so I'm guessing their ability to build an F-35 is probably about the same. It's my own belief but I honestly think China is a paper tiger.
There is quality of quantity. Germany tanks and fighters outclassed the allies. They had jet fighters before anyone else, but we had so many that numbers just overwhelmed the Germans.