Lost my job of 27 years wife is divorcing me even got a restraining order on me for what she said was influencing our kids with misinformation from a cult!!! I am beyond pissed the deep state tentacles are wrapping around all there ingnerent heads!!
Got a piece of land with a cabin and supplies the great dieoff will be soon. Kids are two young for the poison so I can get them then.
Cabin is off grid got some solar panels enough for charging my phone and running lights. Cell servise is bad I have to get up on the roof or go a mile up the road.
with my MRE supply and wildlife I will be good for a long time. Gotta say the beef and BBQ mre is terrible even sergent my dog wont eat it.
Lost my job of 27 years wife is divorcing me even got a restraining order on me for what she said was influencing our kids with misinformation from a cult!!! I am beyond pissed the deep state tentacles are wrapping around all there ingnerent heads!!
Got a piece of land with a cabin and supplies the great dieoff will be soon. Kids are two young for the poison so I can get them then.
So sorry to read of your dilemma. At least you're protecting yourself.
Cabin is off grid got some solar panels enough for charging my phone and running lights. Cell servise is bad I have to get up on the roof or go a mile up the road.
with my MRE supply and wildlife I will be good for a long time. Gotta say the beef and BBQ mre is terrible even sergent my dog wont eat it.