Release of a "weaponized" smallpox virus would really decimate the population. Fauci-masks will not work since even one tiny droplet to any skin surface (albeit mucous-membranes are easier) are sufficient to infect an vaccinated person.
There have been several war-games where various types of doomsday viruses have been released. This includes Brucellosis, Tularemia, Smallpox, Pneumonic plague (in the several variants), Anthrax, Yersinia Pestis (Plague), and Viral hemorrhagic fevers, including. Filoviruses, for example.
All of these can (and probably have been) weaponized -- meaning they are easily dispersed via a crop-sprayer aircraft or drone, an aerosol device, or by simple person-to-person contact.
What is surprising to me is the unbelievable ignorance of almost everyone about how easy it is to produce and spread these biowarfare agents. The politicians, of course, are the worst of the ignorant followed by the incapable, feckless idiots in the US government agencies. They are ALL in self-denial and as far as I am concerned, ALL deserve to die in writhing agony from the worst form of Tularemia -- which when it is fully involved in a human is a horror-show of torture and agony unparalleled by the most bloody chainsaw massacre movie. It is incurable when fully involved. 100 percent death within 48 to 72 hours.
God Damn the idiots who fail to protect our Republic. God Damn them to the pit of Hell for all of eternity.
Imo the COVID vax was just to kill the immune system
Valid observation....
Release of a "weaponized" smallpox virus would really decimate the population. Fauci-masks will not work since even one tiny droplet to any skin surface (albeit mucous-membranes are easier) are sufficient to infect an vaccinated person.
There have been several war-games where various types of doomsday viruses have been released. This includes Brucellosis, Tularemia, Smallpox, Pneumonic plague (in the several variants), Anthrax, Yersinia Pestis (Plague), and Viral hemorrhagic fevers, including. Filoviruses, for example.
All of these can (and probably have been) weaponized -- meaning they are easily dispersed via a crop-sprayer aircraft or drone, an aerosol device, or by simple person-to-person contact.
What is surprising to me is the unbelievable ignorance of almost everyone about how easy it is to produce and spread these biowarfare agents. The politicians, of course, are the worst of the ignorant followed by the incapable, feckless idiots in the US government agencies. They are ALL in self-denial and as far as I am concerned, ALL deserve to die in writhing agony from the worst form of Tularemia -- which when it is fully involved in a human is a horror-show of torture and agony unparalleled by the most bloody chainsaw massacre movie. It is incurable when fully involved. 100 percent death within 48 to 72 hours.
God Damn the idiots who fail to protect our Republic. God Damn them to the pit of Hell for all of eternity.
Hear HEAR!
Truly devious... this disease is dangerous even for those with healthy immune systems
My God