Why are dems just spending sooo much money?? Why do they sign bills that are obviously just putting the country more in debt?
Well, in real world business scenarios, short term debt for an investment can be good a good thing. Basically, you can grow your business faster by obtaining capital (debt) increasing production and balancing the supply/demand which your services provide.
BUT, we are not in a real world business scenario. We are in a scenario where the government takes out more loans, the money is spent on contracts (that their rich buddies get awarded) maybe they spend the money rightfully or not, doesn’t matter at this point, which continuously increases the supply of currency in the hands of wealthy vs the poor. Remember that scenario where Zuck diluted the shares of one of his business partners, essentially booting him out since he was no longer a majority share holder? Well this scenario is kinda the same. Increase the flow of capital to the rich, eventually dilute the value of the currency, rich still have a constant flow coming in while the poor, what they have, losses value because of inflation as they only have a fixed income.
Rich stay rich and get richer while the poor hold on to what they can get.
Also a good reason to invest as your currency today will have a different value a year or even five years from now
So see it works like this. They pass a bill to send a bunch of money to their pals who in turn send them back their cut. How else do you think so many reps and senators become multi-millionaires with just a few years on the job?
It's one big grift. They're taking your tax dollars and enriching themselves and their families.
You’re right. I’m talking about spending. Spend more money, give dems contracts, they get richer, dividing us up even more, the poor get poorer.
Build back better is a fallacy. It’s all about printing more money and distributing it amongst those who politically align with them. Essentially driving up inflation and those who are not a part of their “plan” have a smaller opportunity to get a piece of that spending thus widening the gap
Excellent comments, u/PolishBaldEagle.
Have you seen the currency of Zimbabwe? At one point a few years ago to purchase half of a Subway sandwich in Zimbabwe you had to hand them 10 trillion dollars. I have one of those notes, it says 10 trillion dollars in Zimbabwe currency, and it cost me about 4 bucks in US money.
There is no limit to the depths of hyperinflation a government will gladly go.
Simple buy silver or gold,they hold value and take your money out of the system.
Already do. And certain crypto as well
I should have known.