I've been kinda pondering a possible scenario for what's to come.
I've realized we have yet to see the antichrist and the 3rd temple, Abomination of Desolation and such.
The current covid situation seems like a bait and switch to convince the masses that this has been the tribulation. This is worrisome because we are approaching a situation where literally the whole world is asking for a positive change, which I fear will be the thjng that allows the Antichrist coming to power.
Consider if you will, that Trump getting back in power may be a God driven mission, but it also may pave the way for the AC to take hold shortly after. As Trump has worked on middle east peace deals and it appears they have announced the 3rd temple build, we are really seeing biblical predictions come to pass.
Now, I've heard talk of ET disclosure. Does anyone here feel like this will be sold to us as a solution to the world's problems, after trumps return? My worry is that the ET entities that show themselves (potentially) will be the fallen angels of Genesis 6, with their leader as the new "messiah". Alien power tech, healing beds that stop aging, surely you shall not die (same lie)
Sorry this may be a bit fragmented. It's a lot to try to make sense of, but this has been on my heart lately as I've been seeking answers from christ.
God bless pedes.
Satan doesn’t get to choose when to kick off the beginning of the end. He doesn’t get to force God’s hand, it’s the other way around. God has him restrained (2 Thes 2) from beginning the events of the eschaton until the gospel has been preached to all nations (Mt. 24:14; 28:19-20). The battle of Armageddon will occur when God allows it.
All of the events of today may look like rumblings that could lead to something, but God is in control. Jesus is Lord.
No here to agree or disagree—I don’t know. There is website that tries to quantify it with data.
I tend to agree with most of what you said. The deception of the world will be by those that come as "angels of light". The false Christ comes in peaceably and obtains the kingdom by flatteries. The third temple is a false temple. Understand that sacrifices are done away with. Messiah already came. And the true temple will come at the end of the millennium when our Father resides with His people.
The signs we are looking for are in Daniel, the Ram and the goat. These signs can come very fast until the little horn stands up.
Satan is looking to deceive God's people. The time of deception is shortened because the deception is so great..the wearing down of the saints so to speak.
Ty for your post.
"...the ram and the goat..."
Aries and Capricorn, constellations
the second book opens with the Goat, and closes with the ram-two animals of sacrifice. "The Witness of the Stars".
wow now you have me thinking how these two coincide/mesh or a deeper dive with The Ram (Iran/Iraq) and the He-goat (representing NWO? NATO?, western nations including USA-the globalist powers). This is the 6th kingdom-i.e. global nations needs to bring Iran to heel.
We are moving towards the tower of Babel (once again. Nothing new under the sun. The total globalist world with no nation states)
Although the resolution of the video is not as good as one would like, I still highly recommend that you view it. It is about a guy who wanted to figure out what the Star of Bethlehem really was. It will give you insights into how the Bible viewed the constellations. You will see what the Three Wise Men saw in the sky that told them the Messiah was born.
Ty i will check it out
BTW: The video also pulls in the book of Daniel.
Nice post! Keep digging and asking God for revelation,
Don’t put too much weight in 3rd temple theology. The Holy Spirit isn’t going to go dwell back inside a building. The Bible calls us believers the new temples of the Holy Spirit. I believe it’s a deceit by the Devil to think we need to see a 3rd temple in order to be near the 7 Year Tribulation. I wrote a small article about it…
The Dangers of Third Temple Theology
Haggai 2:6-9 ESV —“For thus says the Lord of hosts: Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of hosts. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts.’””
The prophet Haggai is describing the building of the Second Temple. God said ONCE more will He shake the heavens and the earth and cause the wealth of the nations to come in to build His Temple. ONCE more will He fill the house with glory, not TWICE more. This was accomplished. That Temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 by Nero. The glory and power of God now reigns inside flesh temples of those who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. God is NOT going to retract back into a building or an ark. The veil tore from heaven to earth permanently.
Don’t wait until a building is constructed to Evaluate where we are on Gods prophetic time-clock. If the Jews build a third-temple— we can be sure that the anointing won’t be behind it. “Once more” was regarding the second temple. In fact, there is more biblical grounds to believe that even the remaining Western Wall (Wailing Wall) of the second temple that remains today will be destroyed.
Mark 13:1-2 ESV “And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” And Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.””
Perhaps that is when the Children of Israel will come to the realization that Jesus Christ was in fact the Messiah that they had been waiting for. If they reconstruct a temple to the exact specifications and dimensions spelled out in Scripture— and the glory and presence of God does not fill the house like it had the previous two times— perhaps then will they realize that Jesus is Lord. Jesus was the end-all blood sacrifice snd atonement for sin. I believe it is foolish and dangerous for Christians to think that during the last period of history—God will nullify the blood of Jesus by returning to animal sacrifices.
I used to have the same thoughts about events we are still waiting for until I read this explanation. We have already seen the Antichrist quite possibly.
Edit. Looking at the author’s other weird pet doctrines on the side bar he appears to be either a 7-th day Adventist or a really religious, Hebrew Law keeping man. I would steer clear.
Idk doesn’t sit right with me. The Bible never says a day= 1 Year A day is always referenced to as either a day or 1,000 years (2 Peter 3:8). It makes more sense that the false prophet will arise from Rome but not the Antichrist. I have the Bible—I don’t need a history book to coincide with it for the Holy Spirit to show me where we are on God’s timeline. Seems heretical to me. IMO the author’s whole post can lead to dangerous theology such as preterism or post-millennialism, also the fact that the author pens his interpretation as the ultimate truth and all other views of end-time events are people being influenced by the Devil makes his whole little website seem suspicious to me.
I browsed a few of the links on the side too. I believe that your are right about the 7th Day Adventist part. The description or explanation of the 70 weeks prophecy seems logical to me. I'm open minded to hear all theories.
Only the Sabbath beliefs and the end-times beliefs do I disagree with from that author. Everything else seems good. All I know is that throughout the Bible Jesus and his disciples commanded us to keep awake and stay looking for his return. To believe that the antichrist has already been here would mean that the rapture has already taken place which would put us in some weird post millennial post tribulation reign timeline that would keep people from looking for Jesus Christ and his return I feel like it’s dangerous theology personally.
No they don't claim the rapture has already happened. They believe we are in end times and the Antichrist part is past and we are in final stages of the plagues being poured out on the earth and the rapture comes at the end at judgment time of the fallen angles, demons and the beast just before the 1000 year reign starts.
There are several biblical prophecies that all point to the Rapture of the Church and the start of the 7-Year Tribulation no later than 2023. We are so close. There is a reason the demonic Antichrist vax system has been built just prior to kick-off.
Look into the Berisheet Passover Prophecy Look into God’s millennial prophetic calendar Look into the Fig Tree Prophecy,
All 3 point to Rapture within 0-5 years time. It’s exciting!
2 Peter 1:20 [20]Understanding this first: That no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation. This, and many other scriptures command us to obey an authority on matters of faith and morals. That authority has had an unbroken succession until our time. It is now almost fully infiltrated. We are living the great apoatacy, and the antichrist may have already come!